Making Rail Accessible | Caledonian Sleeper |

Making Rail Accessible

Helping Older and Disabled Passengers - Accessible travel policy August 2022


At the heart of our service is outstanding hospitality that reflects the best of Scotland. We understand that improving accessibility for disabled guests often results in benefits for all guests. This leaflet sets out how to get assistance and useful information to plan your journey with us.

Woman looking at menu in Club Car

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Our Guests

In the rail industry, customers are generally referred to as ‘passengers’. However, as we deliver a hospitality service, we consider our customers to be our guests and use this term in this leaflet.

Caledonian Sleeper host on platform

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On board hosts

These are our friendly members of staff who will greet and support you on board all of our trains. They will operate the on board ramps for you and assist you with luggage if needed.

Call centre

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Guest Service Centre

Our team of Guest Ambassadors work in the Guest Service Centre. Their job is to help you plan your journey, book tickets or rooms and give you any information about accessibility features so you can make informed choices. The contact details for the Guest Service Centre are below.

More Information

We are more than just a train service; we want you to enjoy the full sleeper experience. We therefore recommend you plan and book your journey with us in this order:

  1. Plan your journey
  • Review our timetable and the stations we stop at
  • Check the station you want to use is accessible
  • Consider whether our overnight accommodation suits your needs

2. Buy your tickets

Buy your Caledonian Sleeper ticket (or supplement if you already have national rail ticket). Contact us directly for the best prices, up to 12 months in advance

3. Assistance and Access Needs

  • Let us know if you need an accessible room or wheelchair space
  • Book assistance for your journey (if you wish to)

Our Guest Service Centre can help you with all of these steps in one go.

Assistance: what is available and how to obtain it

You can book assistance to use our services but you don’t have to. The benefit of booking is having the opportunity to talk through your access needs and make sure everything is in place to ensure a relaxed and comfortable experience.

What to expect – our commitment to you

Where to get more information and how to get in touch

You can get further information, advice and help planning your journey free of charge from our Guest Service Centre.

We can send you this leaflet in large print, free of charge. Please phone 0800 904 7267

We can also send you:

  • A copy of our Accessible Travel Policy – This explains our policies and processes, including details of our training programme and how we plan to improve services. This can also be downloaded from our website
  • A copy of this leaflet or the Accessible Travel Policy in alternative accessible formats
  • Station and train accessibility information – These can also be downloaded from our website
  • Information on our Accessibility Panel and how you can get involved with our work with disabled people to improve accessibility.

If you have any queries or issues on the day of your journey please contact our Guest Service Centre.


Any complaints should be sent to our Guest Service Centre and they will investigate and coordinate a response to you. If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint is dealt with you can contact the Rail Ombudsman directly:

 Phone: 0330 094 0362
 Free Phone: 0800 904 7267
 Text: 07427 580 060
 Textphone: 0330 094 0363

Passenger Assist

There is also a national freephone Passenger Assist booking line:

 Phone: 0330 094 0362
 Free Phone: 0800 904 7267
 Text: 60083
 Textphone: 0845 60 50 600